Penny Johnson Memorial Ride and Bike Blessing
Penny's Toys and Thunder
Our 2024 annual ride was a success. Even with all the obstacles we faced, the ride went off without a hitch. Our gratitude goes out to everyone that participated. Penny's Toys and Thunder appreciates you!!. We were able to provide both our charities with nice checks. We heard from the hospital that the Staff and kids were very excited to see the bikes roll through. Plans are being made for the 2025 ride. More information available in the coming months!
5th Annual Ride • #PTAT2024 June 15, 2024 • Starts A&J Performance Cycle 3731 E. 10 Mile Rd. Warren.

What Penny Johnson Toys and Thunder is About
The Penny Johnson Memorial Ride Toys and Thunder has been created by George Johnson and Toni (Johnson) Patton in memory of their sister Penny. Penny had cerebral palsey and was a member of the Special Olympics. George and Toni decided to have a police escorted ride to Children's Hospital of Michigan to donate toys so every child in the hospital would be given a toy. These stuffed animals are going to be provided by George. All proceeds will be going to Children's Hospital of Michigan, Special Olympics and St. Jude. These organizations hold a special place with George, Toni and their families. As mentioned, Penny was a proud member of the Special Olympics team.